Useful phone numbers for residents

From emergency numbers for residents of Priors Hall Park to local healthcare, here are a few numbers that you might find useful when moving to a new area

Broadband providers

Open Fibre Networks Limited (OFNL) operates the fibre network at Priors Hall Park, enabling the delivery of fibre broadband services to your new home. 
Click here to view the OFNL booklet and find out about the Internet Service Providers available.
Please contact your broadband provider if you are experiencing problems with your broadband.

Electricity emergency on Priors Hall Park 
GTC 24-hour emergency number
0800 032 6990

Environment Agency
0800 807060
Residents should mention TW Composting which is an EA regulated site and how far away it is from your property. This is a known issue to the EA.

Fibre infrastructure
08456 022498

Gas mains emergency
0800 111999

Corby Police Station
03000 111 222

Police (non-emergency)

TV/Signal issues
Please log any TV/signal issues by emailing Fibre To The Home [email protected] leaving them a message with the problem and a contact number.

Water mains emergency 
08456 022498