Zone 3 Western Link Road FAQs

Date Added 22 January 2021

The owners of Priors Hall Park, Urban&Civic, have provided us with the following information regarding the new link road being constructed for zone 3.

When was planning permission granted?

14 July 2016

What are the proposed start and completion dates for the road construction?

  • Enabling works started 18/1/2021
  • Programme of works commence 25/1/2021
  • Expected completion date 23/07/2021

Who is the contractor?

Breheny Civil Engineering Ltd

Who is responsible for managing the contractor?

The Project Management Team at Urban&Civic will manage the contractor, not Priors Hall Park Management.

What hours will the contractor be permitted to work?

Permission has been granted for the following:

Mon - Fri    07:30 - 17:30
Sat             07:30 - 13:00

What environmental requirements will the contractor be required to comply with?

There is provision within the contract for construction for operating within an environmental plan, which will include an element of dust suppression. The management plan and stipulations from CBC on the planning approval will be complied with by the approved contractor. Urban&Civic's ecological clerk of works will also monitor.

What are the forecast traffic flows?

This will be as per the planning approval.

Will the road be adopted by the County Council when completed?

Yes, NCC have technically approved for adoption.

What is the routing of this road?

Follows the corridor that has been cleared on the ground, the route will be as planning approval access drawings.

What is the proposed speed limit for this road?

The road has been designed with a 40mph limit, in accordance with the conditions set out by Northamptonshire County Council.


Downloadable Plans

1. General plan (1 of 2)
2. General plan (2 of 2)
3. S38 Proposed street lighting
4. Indicative Landscape Reinstatement Plan (1 of 2)
5. Indicative Landscape Reinstatement Plan (2 of 2)

Additional information can be found on the Corby Borough Council Planning Portal

If you have any queries, please email [email protected]