*Update* Issue with TV/Sky signal

Date Added 20 October 2021

*Update* 21 October 2021 10.43am

As you are probably aware, the electricity outage was repaired last night by GTC.

The FTTH Engineers have confirmed that the TV system is now fully running.

If you are still experiencing any issues, please do the following:

  1. If you are experiencing issues with Freeview, rescan channels on your TV
  2. If you are experiencing issues with SkyQ, reset your box by powering down (remove the power cable from the plug socket) and reconnecting.

This should resolve any remaining issues.


20 October 2021 4.12pm

We are aware that there is an issue with the TV signal on Priors Hall Park. A Fibre To The Home engineer has been onsite and thie issue is not due to the TV equipment, but an external power supply. We understand that the internet is on a back up supply that will last approximately 10 hours.

An engineer from OFNL (Open Fibre Networks Ltd) is now on their way to the site to rectify the issue.