17. What are the Rules & Regulations of Priors Hall Park?
1. Not to use the Property or suffer the same to be used for the purpose of any profession trade business or manufacture of any description nor for any purpose other than as a single private dwelling house and ancillary private garage
2. Not do or omit to be done any act or thing on or about the Property the doing or omission of which shall or may be or grow to be an annoyance nuisance damage danger or disturbance to the Estate Owner or the owners or occupiers of any part of the Development
3. Not to plant any tree or shrub or erect any wall hedge or fence or other structure forward of the front line of the dwelling house and garage on the Property nor do anything to interfere with or destroy the open plan layout of the Development
4. Not to make any alterations or additions to the exterior of the buildings now or subsequently erected on the Property (including in particular the windows and the window glazing and doors thereof) or to the walls hedges and fences on the Property and not to paint the render brickwork or stonework of the exterior of such buildings nor erect any additional buildings walls hedges and fences on the Property except with the written approval of the Estate Owner whose fees and those of its professional advisers in connection with the consideration of any such application whether granted refused or withdrawn shall be paid by the Transferee
5. Not to without the written approval of the Estate Owner paint or decorate the exterior of the Property otherwise than in the same colour or colours as the Property was previously painted.
6. Not to not mutilate or remove the trees and/or shrubs which may be planted within the boundary of the Property in breach of any planning permission
7. Not to erect or install any posts flagpoles masts pylons or similar items on the Property.
8. Not to dispose (other than by way of mortgage or assured shorthold tenancy) of the Property unless the disponee enters into and delivers a direct covenant with the Estate Owner and the Management Company in the form of the deed set out in the Transfer of Part of registered title
9. Not to erect or permit to be erected any television wireless or other aerials or satellite dish on the exterior of the Property
10. Not to erect or permit to be erected on any part of the Property any "For Sale" or "To Let" boards or signs
11. Not to keep or leave any rubbish or refuse in front of the building erected on the Property other than in a proper receptacle and then only on the day stipulated for the collection of the same by the local authority
12. Not to cause any damage to the Management Company Areas or do anything that may prevent the use of the Management Company Areas by or cause a nuisance or annoyance to a public authority (in connection with the exercise of any easement) or the Estate Owner or to the owners tenants or occupiers of other properties on the Development
13. Not to erect or allow to be erected any advertisement, sign, board or hoarding upon the Management Company Areas of the Development
14. Not to construct or place or allow to be constructed or placed any building or other structure on the Management Company Areas of the Development.
15. Not to trap or kill any wildlife on the Development.
16. Not to ride or keep any horses on the Development.
17. Not to use or discharge any weapon on the Development.
18. Not to fly (including landing and take-off) any planes or airborne craft including model aircraft and drones and similar things on the Management Company Areas.
19. Not to use any motorised vehicles otherwise than on the roads within the Estate designated for such use from time to time and in particular not to use any motorised vehicle on any open space, green infrastructure or amenity land within the Development.
20. Not to swim, fish, sail or do any boating on any blue infrastructure or watercourses on the Development.
21. Not to hold or allow any parties or other gathering to be held on the Management Company Areas of the Development without written consent from the Management Company.
22. Not to camp or allow any camping or overnight sleeping on the Management Company Areas of the Development
23. Not to cause or permit to be caused any damage to, litter or contamination of the Management Company Areas of the Development
24. Not to harm or damage in any way any tree or other plant planted on the Management Company Areas of the Development and in particular not to climb any such tree or construct any tree houses in any such tree or hang swings from any tree.
25. Not to remove or damage in any way any fence, wall, gate, bench, amenity equipment or other item placed on the Management Company Areas of the Development.
26. To observe and comply with such regulations made from time to time for the management and use of the Management Company Areas of the Development (where such part of the Development is within the control or ownership of a different management company).
27. Not to keep boats, caravans or campervans anywhere on the Development
28. Not to keep any un-roadworthy vehicles or caravans on the Development.
29. Not to keep any vans, lorries, trailers, commercial or trade vehicles anywhere on the Management Company Areas of the Development (except trade vehicles in the course of delivering goods to or supplying services to the Property) on the Property or on any other part of the Development and must not park motor vehicles on or obstruct in any other manner or carry out any repairs to any motor vehicles (except in an emergency) on any part of the roads and footpaths now constructed at any time or to be constructed on the Development
30. Not to restrict or obstruct any visibility splay, highway or areas of the Development used for public purpose.
31. Not to obstruct or allow to be obstructed any part of the Management Company Areas of the Development.
32. Not to pass any contaminative or deleterious materials or substance into the Service Media on the Development or serving the Development.
33. Not to keep livestock or any undomesticated animals on the Development