U&C news update for w/c 15 July 2019
Date Added 17 July 2019
Drainage repair on Ashby Street - Postponed
These works will now commence on Monday 29th July.
Breheny, under instruction from Urban&Civic, will be carrying out necessary drainage remedial works on Ashby Street.
Due to the extent of these works it will be necessary to close off a section of Ashby Street to traffic to enable safe excavations in the carriageway.
Please see the image below for a marked up drawing showing the area in question.
For the duration of the works, we respectively request that should your residence fall within the affected area, you park further down Ashby Street.
The nature of these works mean they are unpredictable and so it is difficult to provide a robust time frame for completing them, however we expect the work to be completed within a week.
We are happy to discuss any queries or concerns you may have; please call Rob Millar (Urban&Civic Estate Manager) on 07736 274009 or James Bragg (Breheny Agent) on 07880 197897.
We apologise in advance for any inconvenience these works may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Partial road closure to Redwing Place - extended
The temporary closure to Redwing Place (NN17 5AS) has had to be extended due to works not being completed and will now also be closed for the day on Monday 22 Jul 19.
Thank you for your cooperation.